Why You Should Never Stand for Bullying in the Workplace

Stop Workplace Bullying
Stop Workplace Bullying

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

Some people believe that those who are bullied are often overly sensitive. They’ll say things like “man up” and expect the person to get over it or try and work around their problems on their own. However, anyone that has been bullied before knows that it can be a stressful time. This is compounded especially if you’re working at an important job and you fear your job security. It could be a colleague that loves to pick on you and prank you, or it could be a boss that singles you out and loves to complain about you and leave others out.

Workplace bullying is, sadly, very common. Whether it’s managers, new recruits or regular employees that are suffering from bullying in the workplace, few people speak up because they’re simply too scared of losing their jobs. Job security is something that should not be taken for granted in today’s world, but you should also never stand for bullying of any degree. To help you understand workplace bullying a little better and provide reasons why you should never stand for it, we’ve put together a few important considerations.

Workplace Bullying Can Lead to Mental Issues and Self-Harm

Bullying at any level or degree can result in some serious mental issues and self-harm. The constant feeling of being worthless or persistent arguments can reduce someone’s feeling of self-worth and make them lose their self-esteem. In fact, workplace bullying can even lead to accidents in the workplace, and it’s difficult to identify when an accident has been caused by workplace bullying or nasty threatening comments. If you feel like you or a colleague has been injured as the result of bullying, then Kinney Law Group and other similar services will be a great benefit to you. They’ll help you identify potential solutions to your problem so that you can have peace of mind knowing that justice will be served and that the bullying will stop.

Setting an Example for Others

Imagine you’re in a workplace where the managers love to bully and ridicule their staff. If no one ever speaks up, then no one’s going to set an example of how they should act. Everyone will just take the bullying as something normal and they’ll just accept it as a part of keeping their jobs. However, you should never work in an environment where bullying is left to freely affect people with zero consequence. Those who bully others should be stopped; the workplace is a professional environment where petty quarrels between people and hate should be left at the door. If you’ve had enough and want to make a difference, then you should consider setting an example for others. Tell them that you’ve had enough and do your best to make a difference. Whether it’s by standing up to the boss, managing the cause of your problems, or heading to a lawyer and consulting them, don’t let bullying in the workplace go unpunished.

Bullying Can Drastically Reduce Productivity

It doesn’t matter if you work as a freelancer or own a large business; bullying reduces your productivity. If you feel bullied as a freelancer because your clients are making ridiculous demands or they’re refusing to pay you for your work, then it’s time to pick up the phone or shoot an email to relevant help services. You should first be consulting your contract to find any clauses that could help you. This is especially important when it comes to paying for your work. Next, compile that information for a lawyer to see. Finally, hire a lawyer. Hiring a lawyer to help you with cases of bullying might take a while. You’ll know when you find the right person to represent you and help you deal with the bullying. On the other hand, bullying in the workplace can usually be dealt with if you have a good human resources department that can find a solution to the issue. However, if the problem isn’t solved by in-house representatives, then you can fire the offender and watch your productivity shoot up. Either way, bullying in the workplace (whether it’s at home or not) can lead to reduced productivity levels and thus cause major issues for you and your business.

Bullying in the Workplace

The Bullying Can Go Viral and Your Business Will Be Shunned

There are many situations in which a bullied employee in your business can get “revenge” for what happened. If they manage to record a video or conversation between people that is a clear indication of bullying in your workplace, then it will force you to make a move with the media. Whether it’s assuring them that it’s an unusual case or making a statement by firing the person that initiated the bullying, you will be forced to take action. The action itself will greatly depend on how severe the issue is or how viral the content went. Either way, once something is on the internet it’s hard to bury it entirely, so people will always bring up the fact that your company employs workplace bullies.

Some Final Words

Bullying in any shape or form is a nasty thing. You should never stand for bullying and you should always do what you can to weed it out from your business and stop yourself from suffering from it. There are many things in the world of business that could completely destroy your company, and bullying is one of the most important ones to get rid of as soon as possible. Don’t neglect just how damaging workplace bullying can be. Seek to get rid of it quickly so that you don’t suffer any long-term damage.


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