Is The Trust In Your Marriage Rock Solid?

Trust in marriage

Marriage is a big commitment. You will get people telling you that marriage is no more than a piece of paper. The thing is, choosing to get married isn’t just about the big celebration and the dress. It’s also about standing up in front of your friends and family and pledging your life and your love to another person. It’s a commitment that two people enter into and they don’t enter into it lightly.

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

It Takes Two

Trust is the glue of any successful relationship. When you know that this person in your life will look after your heart, love you unconditionally, and open themselves up to you, you can truly feel content. Without that trust, any intimacy is impossible. There is no real love in a marriage that requires one party to use the services of John Cutter because there are doubts about fidelity. Trust is not just about believing that your spouse won’t cheat. It’s a safety net for your emotions. Once trust is shattered, it’s very difficult to build it back up because, in the back of your mind there is always that ‘what if’.

Building Your Trust

Trust is something that builds slowly through a relationship. You wouldn’t agree to marry someone that you don’t feel that you could trust. There would be no real relationship as you would be consumed with concern and worry that they will leave you. Some couples can rebuild and work on trust in their marriage. Others will never recover from a betrayal or infidelity. We have our emotions and our worries under control, knowing that we are well taken care of and the small problems in life are easily overcome, because the trust is there to keep you together.

Trust Your Instincts

If you can leave your spouse with their friends without any second thought about their true destination or intentions, then the trust in your marriage is solid. People who trust their spouse without any worry are secure in their relationship. Being in tune with someone so closely means that you’ll pick up whenever anything changes and know when things aren’t right. Intuition is an amazing thing and your marriage is solid feel that trust within it. Don’t doubt the trust in your relationship unless you have to and you’ll have a happier, sunnier and more secure life.


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