So Your Teen Wants a Motorcycle

So Your Teen Wants a Motorcycle...

It’s Far Easier For A Motorcyclist To Stay Safe Than You Think

As a parent it’s your responsibility to keep your kids safe, healthy and happy. However, as your kids progress along life’s path, doing the right thing isn’t always as clear cut as you might think. For example, you can use a parenting app to ensure that you know where your kids are when they leave the house. However,  when they’re 16 or 17 this becomes a little less healthy.

One of parenting’s biggest challenges is knowing when to swoop in and fend off life’s trials and adversities. Then there is a time when you need to pump the brakes and let your sons or daughters learn their own lessons. Thus, when your teenage son or daughter tells you that they’re thinking of buying a motorcycle…it’s likely that your parental instincts will kick into overdrive. Your mind will leap to a whole host of worst case scenarios that will lead you to the inevitable “Not while you’re under my roof” line. But before you do that stop and take a breath. Some of your fears (however with good intentions) may be unfounded. As strong as your instinct to protect your kids may be, often the best thing you can do for them is to help them to make their own informed decisions.

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

So Your Teen Wants a Motorcycle...

They’re going to be really unsafe!


The statistics are with you on this one. Or so it may seem. There are generally more motorcycle injuries than vehicle injuries (although this has declined sharply in recent years). Yet, these figures are skewed when you consider just how many more cars there are than motorcycles on the road. But this doesn’t mean that your son or daughter will need an accident attorney within their first year on their bike. Indeed, an argument could be made that while it’s far easier for a motorcyclist to get injured in a collision than a car driver, it’s far easier for a motorcyclist to avoid a collision in the first place.


Motorcycles are more agile than cars and offer better hazard perception. Which makes it much easier to spot hazards quickly and take decisive action.

They’re going to join a gang!


Motorcycling has an unfortunate reputation in popular culture. But while biker gangs exist, your son or daughter is incredibly unlikely to join one. What they are more likely to join, however, is a tightly knit community of helpful and supportive motorcycle enthusiasts. A community involving people who will be on hand to offer advice and pointers on how to stay safe. Speaking of which…

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That’s going to cost them a fortune!


A motorcycle is not only cheaper than a car to buy, it’s a lot cheaper for them to run, too. They’re easy to maintain, need fewer oil changes and use less than half of the fuel. Also, unlike a car, a motorbike can easily be maintained by its owner. You want to make sure your kids grow up into financially aware adults, right?


Despite your knee jerk reaction, a bike could represent a shrewder and safer purchase than a car.

Has your teen asked you for a motorcycle? Leave a comment and let us know your response. 


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