The Secrets of a Successful Return to Work After Maternity Leave or Career Break

Working after Leave

This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

If you are deciding to return to work after taking maternity leave, or even later down the line when children are in school and you have a little more time to yourselves, returning to work can be a daunting prospect. Even if you’ve only been out of it for less than a year, it can be enough to feel intimidating. So if you’ve been out of the workplace for even longer it can be an uncomfortable experience

With that in mind, having some tips and tricks to help can be just what you need. So here are some general pieces of advice, for moms returning to work after taking a break for a family.

Thistle And Bake

Stock Up

When you’re back to work, even part-time, you’ll be out of the house more, so some of the conveniences of being at home are lost. Healthy snacking can be a hard thing if you’ve only got a vending machine at your workplace, for instance. So stock up on healthy snacks to give you energy throughout the day. Not forgetting some freezer meals that you can stockpile. Cooking from scratch after a busy day isn’t always going to happen. So stock up while you can.

Hone Your Skills

If you haven’t been in work for a while, then it can be a good idea to look for some ways that you could hone your skills in preparation for the return to work. It could be that you need to get back t grips with your work emails and using Outlook. So you could look for some local and onsite Outlook training to help you to feel more prepared. It could be a case of reading up on the latest happenings within the industry. Whatever it is, you just want it to give you a confidence boost before you head back.


Ease In The Hours

Getting back into the routine of getting up and going to work is going to take some time to get used to, especially if you have a baby to sort care for or children to take to school. So give yourself time to do so. If you can, start back to work in the middle of the week, so you don’t have a full five days facing you (if you’re heading back full-time). It can be a good way to ease children into childcare if this is the case too.

Meet With Your Employer

No doubt throughout your time off, if you went on maternity leave, you will have stayed in touch with your boss. But before you go back, make sure that you’re up-to-date on everything you need to do, as well as what the expectations are. If it is a new job after a break from the workplace, then try to arrange an informal chat with your employer, after the interview, and before the start date to go through any questions that you might have.


  1. Kylie

    So many of my girlfriends are returning to work after having a child and would love these tips! I’ve forwarded it through to a few of them. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  2. kumamonjeng

    This is great tips for women who has just is back to office after their maternity leave or career break. I am sure reading this will somehow build their confidence level higher when they resume back to the office.

  3. This is so helpful being that I am a SAHM. If and when I decide to get back into the workforce, I would certainly remember this.

    • Amandela

      Awesome, thanks for checking us out!

  4. Elizabeth O

    This is a really great article. It is often really hard to get back into the swing of a working day when you have had leave but you suggested some really great tips that are sure to help a lot of people out.

  5. Kansas Bonanno

    I recently went back to work after being out for almost 16 months due to a really bad car accident where I was hit by a drunk driver and broke 3 of my 4 limbs. The one main thing I can say is to take it slow and remember that you need time to readjust to being back. Great article!

  6. These tips will definitely be useful to women who went on a maternity leave or went on hiatus from their careers. In my case, I took a maternity leave for life, haha. Never went back to the corporate world after giving birth to my son. 🙂

    • Amandela

      I don’t blame you. I went back for a short while, but now I am home. I missed her first crawl, her first steps and more than likely her first words. I vowed not to miss another first.

  7. The tips sound good to me. I am yet to experience this so it’s a bit reassuring to me to read such a well put post on this subject,. I’m kinda worried about career and kids combined,

  8. Regine L.

    This is a great post! This is so helpful. Thank you for the great tips. This would perfect for moms who will return to work from a leave.

  9. Kelly Edgar

    This post came at just the right time! I will soon be returning to my home country after traveling for a few years so I am a little scared to return to the work force. Your advice is very helpful for me 🙂 Thank you

    • Amandela

      That’s exciting. Good luck on your first day! 🙂

  10. Pat

    The suggestions that you give in this post should be helpful to those who have been on maternity leave or haven’t worked for a while.

    • Amandela

      I think so too! Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂

  11. Britney Kaufman

    Ah stocking up is definitely one of my biggest tips I would have. A year and 3 months later and I still dont have the time to cook like I used to with just one kid and work.

    • Amandela

      I’m here with you. Meal prep used to be much easier before baby. However, if we can manage to get it done…we usually have a pretty easy week. It’s making time on that one day though. The struggle is real!

  12. Megan

    This is great, I’ll have to send this to my expecting friends! I’m sure stocking up would be the #1 recommend here though –– on point!

    • Amandela

      Thanks so much for your kind comment!

  13. Esme Sy

    That last tip has saved me from a lot of stress that was supposed to come my way. Work can actually pile down your table by default, it’s good to inform to your employer or boss that while you are ready to work again, it doesn’t mean you’re ready to sweat blood on your comeback day. A simple heads up and asking for updates like mentioned is a good way to be ready.

    • Amandela

      Same here…I am so happy I get to stay home now, but going back was so tough for me.

  14. Great tips and interesting to read, will be useful to many women returning to work I’m sue 🙂 will be sharing with my sister.

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