One of the best things about humans is that you never know where they’re going to end up in life. If they’re raised well, have a spark of imagination, and get a stroke of luck, then the sky’s the limit as to what they can achieve. The parents are important. While it’s not always the case, when you look at the backstory of some of the world’s most successful people, you’ll find that it wasn’t a privileged socioeconomic class that formed them, but their parents. So you, as a parent, have a tremendous influence on how far your child will go in life. Below, we take a look at some of the essentials that you’ll to ensure are well taken care of.
This is a contributed post and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.
In the Outdoors
You know how in the introductory paragraph, we mentioned how a spark of imagination was crucial to long-term prosperity? Sometimes it just seems to be built into a person. At others, it’s something that is developed. If your child has a childhood that’s full of adventure, risk-taking, and fun, then they’ll be likely to take positive incarnations of those qualities into their later years. One of the best ways to do this is to spend time as a family in the outdoors — your child is going to spend a long time holed up inside. Take them on a nature excursion, and you’ll transport them to a bigger, more magical way of thinking.
Eating Well
Studies have shown that the biggest contributing factor to adult obesity is how the person interacted with food as a child. If you’re continually getting fast food meals for your kids, then it can’t come as any surprise if, later on, they’re not in as good of shape as they could be. While body shape doesn’t matter, BMI does — and for people to be at their best, they need to have a reasonable BMI. By cooking fresh, healthy meals, you’ll be keeping their weight in check and also providing a solid base from which they can develop.

Overall Health
Providing healthy meals will be a good starting point, but you’ll want to also take other proactive steps to ensure your child has good overall health. There’s a big difference between the prospects of a child who is sickly and ill, and a child who’s a picture of health! It begins with exercise — make sure they’re spending enough time working up a sweat, rather than just sitting at the computer. You’ll also want to find a good pediatrician in your area, one that you trust, so that they can handle any broader health concerns. A person who has their health looked after in their childhood will be more likely to have good health in adulthood.
Diverse Interests
The interests of children seem to reflect the interests of the community. If everyone plays football, then your kid will play football. But it’s a big world out there, so it’s a good idea to look at bringing more diverse interests into their world. Your child might not take to them straight away, but they’ll be grateful when they’re older and have many interests to fall back on.