Warming Up Your Familial Bonds Through Gardening


Maybe you have read a lot of articles talking about how gardening is important for your health. Maybe you have stumbled upon an article giving you many suggestions on what you should plant for a better household. But the problem arises when you realize that you are not a ‘green thumb.’ Whatever you grow dies. You can even kill a cactus with your skill.

This is a contributed post and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Meet The Harris Family.

It doesn’t mean you should give up your dream to create the ideal garden for your house. Some plants will grow even when you don’t have a green thumb. You can also step up your game through the decorations of your garden. It is because your garden can improve the quality of time with your family.

Are you excited to find out? First, you have to know the plants.

Long Live the Plant

Does your significant other love lilies? If yes, you are lucky because you can grow peace lilies even if you are not a professional gardener. Peace lilies will help you to create a beautiful garden throughout the year.

Family Gardening

But what if you want to start gardening in winter? Or, what if the weather is not sunny enough to grow a plant? Christmas cactus is the answer to your questions. It can even bloom in December if you put them in complete darkness for 12 hours a night. It can grow deep pink or red flowers to make your winter beautiful.

Another plant that is easy to grow but very useful is aloe vera. It needs a little water and can grow in the same container for years. Aloe Vera is often used to take care of a sunburn on your skin. It can also clear acne and some other health benefits to improve your well-being.

There are plenty of other plants that you can grow easily. But don’t forget to leave some spaces in your garden. It is because you can do several activities in your beautiful garden with your family.

The Benefits of Beautiful Garden

Have a Home-based Romantic Dinner

Have you ever imagined having a romantic dinner in your garden? You will walk with your significant other in your garden. Having your pathway lighten up to give the romantic vibes to lit up the mood.

But don’t use the candles to light up your pathway. The wind can blow them off, and it turns off the mood. Cleaning the stain of the wax is exhausting. It is also risking the safety of your feet. Use the LED garden uplights instead. This way, you do not have to worry about the previous risks. You can decorate the trees and the bushes with LED tumbler lights. As a result of your hard work, your garden can save you some money from booking a fancy restaurant.

Refresh Your Mind

A well-designed garden can create a calming effect on your brain. The green color will refresh your mind and give you a clearer insight or inspiration. You can enjoy a cup of tea on a rainy afternoon from your deck while staring at your garden. It will make you feel relaxed and better if you spend the time with your significant other. It is also a perfect atmosphere to have a deep talk and planning your future.

Quality Time with Your Family

Spending your time gardening with your family is a part of the quality time. You can teach them a lot of things while trying to grow the trees. Make them feel responsible for the plant that they are growing. Maybe, one of your kids is the green thumb in your family!

Other than gardening together, you can also have a simple picnic in your home. It is the perfect moment for you to take a family picture and have them framed afterward. You don’t have to go to the city park or driving away from your house to enjoy the green scenery while eating sandwiches. You can do it at your home!

Quality Family Time

When there are special events (such as Easter, Halloween, Christmas, or even birthdays), you can spend your time with your family by decorating your garden. Hiding the Easter eggs in your garden will become a fun game to do with your kids. Perhaps, you will need to buy some dwarf statues and decorate them according to your liking or special events.

How do you want to spend your time with your family? Quality time is not about the duration. It is about the activities that you do with your family.

Gardening can be a nightmare for some people, especially those who had a hard time growing the plants. But with the right strategy and dedicated efforts, your simple garden will become a breath-taking spot. You can spend your time with your family there. Capture every single moment and make them special in your ways. It is because you can find the luxurious gateway in your home. Create beautiful memories in your lifelong investment: your home.


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